Tour Reports & Articles
2021: A Personal Morris History, by Graham Baldwin, Squire of the Vancouver Morris Men (1982 to present)
2013: The Blackface Controversy: a video
2001: 3rd England Tour log
1999: The Pershore Morris: an article on the morris from Pershore, Worcs. written for the American Morris Newsletter
1998: Plough Sunday in Vancouver - a Transplanted English Custom: an article written for the American Morris Newsletter
1997: Cut from the Same Cloth? - an article covering the meeting of the Vancouver Morris Men and Calusari dancers
1994: 2nd England Tour log
1990: 1st England Tour log
Other Local Morris Sides
Tiddley Cove Morris (Vancouver BC) - the local women's side
Island Thyme Morris Dancers (Victoria BC)
Our "Main Source" Morris Sides
Bampton Traditional Morris Men (Bampton, Oxon. UK)
Eynsham Morris (Eynsham, Oxon., UK)
Silurian Border Morrismen (Knightwick, Worcs. UK)
MossyBack Morris Men (Seattle WA, USA)
Thaxted Morris Men (Thaxted, Essex)
Morris Organizations
The Morris Ring (UK) - of which the Vancouver Morris Men are proud members
The Morris Federation (UK)
Open Morris (UK)
The North American Morris Dance Organization (North America)
Instructional Documents
South Midlands (Cotswold) Morris
Welsh Border Morris
East Anglian Molly
Tour Reports & Articles
2021: A Personal Morris History, by Graham Baldwin, Squire of the Vancouver Morris Men (1982 to present)
2013: The Blackface Controversy: a video
2001: 3rd England Tour log
1999: The Pershore Morris: an article on the morris from Pershore, Worcs. written for the American Morris Newsletter
1998: Plough Sunday in Vancouver - a Transplanted English Custom: an article written for the American Morris Newsletter
1997: Cut from the Same Cloth? - an article covering the meeting of the Vancouver Morris Men and Calusari dancers
1994: 2nd England Tour log
1990: 1st England Tour log
Other Local Morris Sides
Tiddley Cove Morris (Vancouver BC) - the local women's side
Island Thyme Morris Dancers (Victoria BC)
Our "Main Source" Morris Sides
Bampton Traditional Morris Men (Bampton, Oxon. UK)
Eynsham Morris (Eynsham, Oxon., UK)
Silurian Border Morrismen (Knightwick, Worcs. UK)
MossyBack Morris Men (Seattle WA, USA)
Thaxted Morris Men (Thaxted, Essex)
Morris Organizations
The Morris Ring (UK) - of which the Vancouver Morris Men are proud members
The Morris Federation (UK)
Open Morris (UK)
The North American Morris Dance Organization (North America)
Instructional Documents
South Midlands (Cotswold) Morris
Welsh Border Morris
East Anglian Molly