2014 Media Archive
December 21: Winter Solstice Lantern Festival, Granville Island, Vancouver BC
Malpas Wassail
Malpas Wassail
Abbots Bromley Horn Dance
November 9: Cider Social, Langley BC (images courtesy of Sherry Kirkvold)
July 5: William & Nancy (Bledington, Gloucs.) at Brock House Summer Fair, Vancouver
June 21 to 29: The Vancouver Morris Men visit Alaska to celebrate the anniversary of Anchorage local side, Rant & Raven Morris
June 7: Maid of the Mill (Eynsham, Oxon.) on the ferry back from the Sunshine Coast Tour
May 24: At the Northwest Folklife Festival, Seattle WA
May 1: Maid of the Mill (Eynsham, Oxon.) during May Day celebrations at Trimble Park, Vancouver BC
January 5: Touring with the plough, Molly dancing and mumming in celebration of Plough Sunday, Granville Island BC